Dystopia or euphoria?

You know it well, you have five minutes to yourself, what do you choose to spend the time on? Doomscroll, read the news, play a game, or lie down, meditate, or maybe go for a walk and get some fresh air into your lungs?

The electronic age has made day and night merge. We have the opportunity to research, read, and entertain ourselves constantly. SoMe detoxes are now a luxury that must be accommodated to maintain mental health.

This series examines the mental landscape with surreal features when we exhaust ourselves and don't seek the break. A tree of body parts, an eagle in an inner landscape, a thoughtful fish looking for food and a human goblet playing yo-yo and shopping at the same time, in abstract landscapes in disarray, something is cooking, danger lurks around the corner, but humor also knocks on the door and visualizes the tragic comedy we can end up with if we don't stop on the wrong path.


Business as usual

